Notes from the Administrators

Spring Break
HCPSS will be closed for students and staff for Spring Break Monday, April 10 - Monday, April 17.  Students will return to school on Tuesday, April 18.  Schools close 3 hours early on Friday, April 7 so that teachers can complete Quarter 3 Report Cards.  We would like to wish everyone a restful and relaxing Spring Break!

Quarter 3 Report Cards
Quarter 3 Report Cards will be distributed on Tuesday, April 25.  Please be on the lookout for report cards to celebrate your student's accomplishments.

Autism Awareness Month
April is Autism Awareness month.  During the month of April will be recognizing and learning about the unique gifts that our students with autism have.  On Monday, April 3, we are inviting students and staff to wear blue in recognition of autism awareness. 

Grade 5 Musical, "Goal!"
On the evening of Thursday, March 30, students in grade 5 performed the musical, "Goal!" for families and community members. 

PARCC Testing
Students in grades 3-5 will be participating in PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) assessment beginning Tuesday, April 25.  Testing will continue through Friday, May 26.  Students will be tested in two content/subject areas:  ELA/Literacy and Mathematics.  Families are encouraged to ensure that students get a good night's sleep every night and have a healthy breakfast at home or arrive early enough to have breakfast at school.  Results from PARCC will be made available to families in the fall 2017.

Volunteer Breakfast
Our annual Volunteer Breakfast will be hosted on Monday, April 24 from 9:30-10:30 in the BWES cafeteria.  All volunteers are welcome to attend the breakfast.

Super Speller, Logan Naylor!!!
The annual countywide Bumble Bee, sponsored by the HCPLS, for students in grades 1-3 was hosted at Reservoir High School on Friday, March 17.  Our very own Logan Naylor won first place, out-spelling students from all over the county.  Congratulations to Logan, our very own super speller!!!


Educationally yours,
Ms. Hough and Ms. Williams-McKinney