Notes from the Administrators

PARCC Testing
Students in grades 3-5 will be participating in PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) assessment began Tuesday, April 25th.  Testing will continue through Friday, May 26th.  Students will be tested in two content/subject areas:  ELA/Literacy and Mathematics.  Families are encouraged to ensure that students get a good night's sleep every night and have a healthy breakfast at home or arrive early enough to have breakfast at school.  Results from PARCC will be made available to families in the fall 2017.

MAP Testing
Students in grades 1-5 will begin MAP testing for Language Arts and Math will begin Tuesday, May 30th through Friday, June 9th.  MAP home reports will be sent home with Quarter 4 report cards.

First Grade Family Night
On Wednesday, May 17th first grade families participated in family night.  The evening began with a pizza dinner and then families were ushered into classes to learn about reading and math activities.  Students and their families learned about the Daily Five Literacy rotations as well as strategies used to teach addition and math facts.  Families also had an opportunity to make and take items to use at home in addition to learning materials that were given away during the evening.  The Howard County Library was on site to provide information on services provided by the library system as well as apply and receive a library card that same night!  Many thanks to Ms. Ledet, Ms. Bork, Ms. London, Ms. Proctor, Ms. Quintyne, and Ms. Sommerville who hosted first grade families on Wednesday's night.


Quarter 4 Interim Progress Reports
Please be on the look out for Quarter 4 Interim/Progress Reports that will be distributed on Wednesday, May 24th.  Take some time to review current progress and set goals for the remainder of the school year.

Spring Band/Strings Concert
Band and Strings students will be showcasing their instrumental music talents on Wednesday, May 31st at the Jim Rouse Theater at Wilde Lake High School at 7:00PM.  Please come out to support Ms. Zepp and her instrumental music students.

Grade 5 Simulated Congressional Hearings
On Tuesday, May 16th, students in grade 5 participated in their Simulated Congressional Hearings.  Students demonstrated a very strong understanding of the Constitution and what it mean to live in the United States.  The judges were highly impressed with the quality of students' knowledge-base and their speeches.  Congratulations to all of the 5th grade students for a well-executed event and many thanks to the staff members who supported the students as they prepared and presented on Tuesday.



MOD Pizza Day
Monday, May 22nd MOD Pizza at Columbia Mall will be donating 20% of all proceeds from pizza sales to Bryant Woods with a coupon.

Chick-Fil-A Night
On Thursday, May 25th from 4:00-8:00PM at Chick-Fil-A at Columbia All, 15% of all sales will go to 5th grade for their end of the year activities.  Please mention BWES when ordering.



Educationally yours,
Ms. Hough and Ms. Williams-McKinney