Ms. Hough and Ms. Williams-McKinney
Thank you to everyone who attended the Back to School Night, Monday, September 18th. It was wonderful to see the support of all our parents. Keeping communication between school and home is one of our priorities to ensure your child has a successful school year.
On September 26th the annual HCPSS Educational Partnership Celebration was held at the Columbia Sheraton. On behalf of the staff, we would like to thank all of our community partners who support our students and staff. It takes a community working along side each other to help promote positive, enthusiastic learners. We appreciate our partners who help us reach that goal for our students.
Parents who have not yet completed their Family File online need to do so immediately. They were due today, September 29th. If you do not have access to the internet to fill one out online, please call the school office and a hard copy of the form will be sent home with your child. It is imperative we have a form for every child in order to have information in the event of an emergency.
We will begin a Fall fundraiser next week with Joe Corbi’s Pizza. Information will be coming home on Monday, October 2nd. The fundraiser will end on October 19th. This fundraiser will be used for various student activities throughout the school year.
MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) testing will begin next week for grades 1st – 5th. We want your child to be successful with this testing so, we have a few suggestions below to ensure this:
- Be on time
- Get plenty of rest
- Eat a well balanced breakfast at home or at school
Thank you for your cooperation in helping your child do their best.
A few important dates to mark on your calendar:
- Flu Clinic at Bryant Woods on Tuesday, October 3rd
- Fifth grade will go to the Howard County Conservancy on Friday, October 6th
- Interim Reports for the 1st quarter will be sent home with students on Thursday, October 12th
Please be sure and mark these dates on your calendars.
Educationally yours,
Ms. Hough, Principal
Ms. Williams-McKinney, Assistant Princip