Notes from Administration

Ms. Hough and Ms. Williams-McKinney

Progress Reports:  Quarter 1 Progress/Interim Reports were distributed to students on Thursday, October 12, 2017.  Please take some time to review, discuss, and celebrate your student's accomplishments so far during the school year.  This is also a great time to set goals for the remainder of the quarter.  If you have questions regarding your student's progress, please do not hesitate to reach out to his/her teacher.

PTA:  The next PTA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 19, 2017 from 6:30-8:00 in the BWES Media Center.  If you haven't already done so, please consider joining the PTA.  Membership dues are $10.00.  This year, PTA has planned information sessions of varying topics.

Volunteer Training:  We are excited about the many opportunities for families to GET INVOLVED at BWES.  In order to volunteer in classrooms, during events during the school day, or chaperone on field trips, all volunteers must complete the required Volunteer Training Module.  The training module is accessible via the BWES website at (  Once the training module is complete both the Confidentiality Certificate of Completion and the Abuse and Neglect Certificate of Completion need to be turned into the front office in order to be considered for volunteer opportunities.  An in-person training will be held on Wednesday, November 1, 2017 from 6:30-7:30 in the BWES Media Center.  Childcare will be provided.  If you have any questions regarding the online Volunteer Training Module or the in-person Volunteer training, please contact Ms. India Rosa-Skerrett, the Family Involvement Contact, or Ms. Williams-McKinney at 410-313-6859.

Halloween:  Each year, BWES celebrates Halloween in-style with a parade and classroom parties.  We will continue that tradition this year on Tuesday, October 31st.  Students will be able to bring their costumes to school to change into before the parade.  The parade will take place on the BWES black top at 2:00, followed by classroom parties from 2:30-3:00.  We encourage families to join us during the parade outside but due to space limitations in classrooms, only 2 volunteers will be selected to assist with classroom parties.  Teams will be sending out more information regarding Halloween parties in the coming weeks.

Family File:  Currently, 75% of our families have updated their family file via HCPSS Connect.  If you haven't already done so, please update your student's emergency procedure information and contact numbers.  If you need assistance with the completion and/or update of your family file, please contact the school.



Educationally yours,


Ms. Hough, Principal

Ms. Williams-McKinney, Assistant Principal