School News

Spelling Bee


Please congratulate the following "Bumble Bee" winners...


1st grade: William Liu and Silas Porter

2nd grade: Jason Bond

3rd grade: Dylan Kagwima 


Titus Landers was the winner of the BWES 4th/5th spelling bee! Our runner up was Dania Ahmed. Laila James, our third place winner, held strong through round 13! 

The championship word was grandiose. 

Titus will be invited to compete in the Howard County Spelling bee on March 16th at Howard High School. 

Turkey Trot

Our top 3 girls and boys from grades 3-5 who participated in the Turkey Trot Competitive Run (4 times around the school, about a mile and more). The primary grades participated in the FUN RUN.

They are from 1st-3rd place:

3rd Grade:  

Girls:  Shiloh Adja, Yosola Ayoola, Iaya Adams

Boys:  Caden Lindo, Nolan Gilchrist, Rhylee Moore

4th Grade:

Girls:  Marley Ball, Emily Kusmaul, Jurnie Smith

Boys:  Denim Dindy, Raul Rodriguez, Bricen Manderson-Holeman

5th Grade:

Girls:  Ainslee Torres, Moriyah Barnett, Deasia Goliday

Boys:  Lawrence Lewis, Naasir Williams, Francis Williams


And of course a big thank you to our parents who were wonderful in giving up their time to support the event.


PTA Fundraiser

Come on out December 4th for the PTA Chipotle Fundraiser Night from 4:00-8:00pm at the Columbia Mall! Tell the cashier you are there to support Bryant Woods PTA (online orders and delivery through other apps do not count towards fundraiser)

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