Ms. Hough and Ms. Williams-McKinney
Quarter 3 Progress/Interim Reports and Winter MAP Reports
Quarter 3 Progress/Interim Reports were distributed to students on Thursday, March 8th. Students in grades 1-5 also received their MAP Winter Reports as well. Please take a moment to review your student's progress and make goals for the remainder of the quarter. If you have any questions regarding your student's progress, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
National School Breakfast Week/Maryland Crunch Day
BWES, along with other schools all over the nation celebrated National School Breakfast Week (March 5-9). BWES is fortunate to participate in a breakfast program that provides breakfast to all of our students, free of charge. The highlight of the week was Thursday, March 8, when we celebrated Maryland Crunch Day. Students had an opportunity to make some noise for school breakfast. Yesterday, students, teachers, principals, state legislators, and community members took a bite out of a juicy apple at the same time during breakfast. Hear the Maryland Crunch highlights the importance of the School Breakfast Program in ensuring that all students get a healthy start to their day.
Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA)
On Wednesday, March 7 and Thursday, March 8, students in grade 5 participated in the Maryland Integrated Science Assessment, also known as MISA. The purpose of MISA is to assess students' scientific knowledge. Kudos to our 5th grade students for showing their scientific knowledge!
Weather-Related Make-Up Days/Spring Break
So far, HCPSS has used 4 days for inclement weather. The following dates have been designated by the Board of Education as make-up days:
- Wednesday, April 4, 2018
- Thursday, April 5, 2018
- Friday, April 6, 2018
- Friday, May 18, 2018
- Friday, June 15, 2018
Schools now will be in session on April 4, 5, and 6 and for a half-day on May 18 to make up for the four inclement weather days used. Due to this past Friday's closing for the wind storm, June 15 has also been designated a student day.
Jump Rope for Heart
Our Jump Rope for Heart Event will be taking place on Monday, March 26th and Tuesday, March 27th during related arts times. So far, we are close to surpassing our goal of $3000. We are asking that all donations (online or brought in by envelope via cash or check) be submitted no later than Monday March 26th. We are also drawing two students this Friday, March 9th in the morning to win a special raffle prize. Students who earn the instant prizes will be given right away, while the other prizes will be given after Spring Break once it is received by the PE Department. The students in each class who raise the most money for jump rope for Heart get to be PE Teacher for one lesson. If you have any questions regarding Jump Rope for Heart, please contact Mr. Monjes or Ms. Tyrrell.
Pre-K/Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2018-19 school year began on Monday, March 5. Pre-Kindergarten registration will begin on Monday, March 12. Below, please find a link that provides detailed information regarding Pre-K/Kindergarten registration that you might find helpful:
If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact our registrar, Keri Ekert, at 410-313-6859 or
Enrichment/Science and Invention Fair
On Thursday, April 26 from 6:30-8:00, BWES will host it's annual Enrichment/Science and Invention Fair!!! Students in grades K-4 will have the opportunity to participate in the Science and Invention Fair by submitting projects that highlight their interest in science and the scientific process. Students in grades 5 will also participate in Science Fair as a requirement for their 5th grade science course. Flyers with registration forms were sent home this week in Thursday folders. If your student is interested in participating in the Science and Invention Fair please submit your completed registration form by Wednesday, March 21. For more information about the Science and Invention Fair, please click on the link below:
MAP Madness/PARCC Paradise
Please join us on Tuesday, March 20, from 6:00-8:00 for MAP Madness and PARCC Paradise! This evening will be filled with information, fun-filled activities, and interactive workshops for the entire family focusing on MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) and PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers). MAP is administered three times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring) to students in grades 1-2 and two times a year for students in grades 3-5 (Fall, Winter). Students in grades 3-5 will participate in PARCC in April and May.
World Language Changes for SY 2018-19
We wanted to take this opportunity to update you on changes to the elementary world language program. You may be aware that we are facing significant budget challenges, which includes addressing a 22.5 million dollar deficit. The Board of Education has examined numerous ways to submit a budget that addresses the deficit. As a result, the Board of Education has made the difficult decision to eliminate funding for world language instruction in grades PreK-6 from the 2018-2019 budget. The Board of Education voted on this measure during the FY2019 Budget Adoption meeting on Monday, March 5, 2018. This budget will now be submitted to the County Executive.
For more information about the HCPSS budget and budget process you can visit
Student Phone Use
In an effort to maintain order and safety for all of our students, cell phone use by students is prohibited during the school day. This is just a reminder that students are not allowed to use cell phones during the school day. Students are required to turn off and store cell phones in back packs upon entering the school. They cannot be removed or used until they have exited the school building at the end of the day. If students are observed with cell phones in their possession or using them at inappropriate times, the cell phone is subject to confiscation and will have to be retrieved by a parent and/or guardian.
Educationally yours,
Ms. Hough, Principal
Ms. Williams-McKinney, Assistant Principal