PTA Updates, Events and Election Information

  • ·      Greetings from your Bryant Woods PTA! Although we are in the process of winding down for the school year, know that it is never too late to join or donate to your Bryant Woods PTA. If you are looking for ways to get involved in your child’s educational experience, consider joining the PTA Executive Board. 

The Executive Board is comprised of the President, Vice President of School Support, Vice President of Fundraising and Partnerships, Secretary, and Treasurer. All positions serve a one school-year term and will be voted on at our May meeting on May 24. Other ways to get involved include becoming a Committee Chair of Co-Chair of one of the various committees we have. Please send your nominees/ interests our current PTA Secretary, Debbie Courtney, by email.



  • ·      As it is Spring Cleaning time, there are other ways to help Bryant Woods. Consider placing unwanted clothes and fabrics in our donation box in the back of the parking lot. Bryant Woods receives money back for all of the items that are collected. Also consider donating small items to the BWES Prize Cart. The Prize Cart is the place where students can spend their Bear Bucks, which are earned for Good Behavior. Item ideas include bouncy balls, small cars, fun pencils or erasers, bracelets, rings, stress balls, sports cards, or stickers. If you have items like this, in good condition, please bring them to Ms. Williams-McKinney in the front office.


  • Reminder that our next PTA Meeting will take place this coming Thursday, May 24th.     

For general questions or concerns, feel free to contact the current PTA President, Kori Jones at