School News


Message from the Health Room


For all students with medication in the health room, 

Medication remaining at the end of the school year should be picked up by the parent/guardian by the end of staff hours on the last day of school, June 19th. Any medication not picked up will be destroyed. 

Thank you for your cooperation.




Updates from YOUR PTA:



The Box Top Drive is Extended


"Our end of year Box Tops drive has been a huge success!  We've collected 1,490 Box Tops so far! We are going to extend the collection through this weekend.  If you have any Box Tops lying around, bag them up over the weekend.  Make sure to include your student's name, homeroom and grade and send them to school with your student no later than Monday June 4, 2018.  Each Box Top is work 10 cents for our school.  Please help the PTA bring more to our students, bring your Box Tops to school by Monday!"



Staff Appreciation Donations

The PTA is currently collecting donations for gifts of appreciation for the BWES staff. Please consider contributing so that all staff may be recognized for the job they do. The deadline for contributing has been extended to Tuesday, June 5th. For more information, please see the attachment. 

EOY Ltr PTA.pdf 


For general questions or concerns, feel free to contact the current PTA President, Kori Jones at



WLMS PTSA Amazing Race Event for Incoming 6th Graders

- Tuesday, June 12 - 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Contestants:  5th Graders from RBES, BWES, CCES who will be 6th graders at WLMS next year.

Meet kids from other schools that will go to Wilde Lake Middle School. Introduce your friends from other schools so they will know each other! Meet a WLMS "Buddy" who can answer questions from a kids' perspective!  Have fun and win prizes too! Click here for more information



Community Fair is Coming

Visit the following links to find out more information about the upcoming Community Fair


Library Rocks and HiTech Programs Coming

Click here for more information




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