Title I Corner & GT News

Title I...

Thank you so much to all the families for coming out last night in grades 3 and 4 for our Intermediate Family Night. It was a great turnout! We hope you enjoyed the presentations and materials you got to take home with you. We appreciate you coming out!  Our next family event will be learning parties hosted by our Kindergarten team for all those students getting ready for Kindergarten. Look for more information to come home on this soon!  We hope to see you at the Enrichment Fair coming up on Thursday April 25th where there will be a buy one, get one free Scholastic Book Fair!  

G/T News…

We wanted to let you know about the Enrichment Fair coming up on Thursday, April 25 from 5-6 PM.  This event is to celebrate every student and all their efforts so far this year.  Each child will have work on display and we want you to see it all.  To make it even more fun, we will be having a scavenger hunt throughout the event.  You and your child(ren) will make your way through the school to find out what amazing things have been done.  Staff members will stamp your paper along the way.  Once you turn in your completed scavenger hunt, your child can earn a popsicle.  Afterwards, please check out the Science Fair sponsored by the PTA from 6-8 PM.