Meal Programs for Over Spring Break and Summer Camp Options

Free Spring Break Meals Program Will Serve Howard County Children, April 15-18, 2019

Howard schools will offer free lunches during spring break

Looking for a fun and active camp this summer for your son and/or daughter?  Come out to Reservoir High School for Rankers Sports camp with Howard County teachers/coaches Phil Ranker (phys ed), Erika Lupo (phys ed) and Tom Dougherty (math).  We play many different sports throughout the week including: capture the football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, tseg ball, tag games, tennis, scooter games and many many more. If your child likes PE class, they will absolutely LOVE this camp.  Dates for camp: July 1-5 (no camp on July 4-prorated cost) and July 15-19.  Half day and full day options are available.  Please email or visit for any questions.