Title I Corner

Title I Corner…Thank you to all of the pre-K and registered kindergarten families that came out for our social emotional learning party series. We hope enjoyed these nights as much as we did!

Thank you to the 97 families that have filled out our Family Involvement Survey so far! Your feedback is truly appreciated and will be used for the upcoming school year :) 

Bryant Woods (BWES) is a Schoolwide Title I School.  Parent Involvement is an important part of Title I.  BWES and Howard County Public Schools (HCPSS) value your input and partnership in supporting the academic success of your child. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey regarding school improvement, climate, and family engagement.  This will be used to evaluate our Title I program so that we can better serve you.  Your responses will be kept strictly confidential.  Please complete the online survey by Tuesday, May 28th.If you have not had a chance to complete the survey please click on the link below. Thank you so much for all of your help!

Click here to complete the survey: https://forms.gle/RTVFdp6gs7nsa8qA6