Notes from the Administrators

Read Across America Day

On Friday, March 3rd, Bryant Woods was bustling with energy for Read Across America Day.  This year's theme was "Reading is my Superpower."  Our school was visited by police officers, fire fighters, mail carriers, central office staff, retired staff, students from neighboring high schoolsand crossing guards who ready to students in grades Pre-K to 5.  Of course our own BWES staff and even some of their spouses participated as read to students as well.  Kudos to our our Reading Team for organizing this successful event.

Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA)

The Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) will be administered to students in grade 5 on Tuesday, March 14th and Wednesday, March 15th.  MISA was developed based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and focuses on science and engineering, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.  This assessment is taken online and includes selected-response questions, short and extended constructed responses questions, and performance tasks.  This is a pilot year for the assessment, therefore, individual student results will not be available.

Behavior Concerns

We have recently experienced a spike in undesirable behaviors at school.  Students are expected to exhibit the BWES Bear Standards on a consistent basis, including lunch, recess, related arts, and during transitions.  Please support our efforts of upholding behavioral expectations at school by reviewing and discussing appropriate school behaviors, including keeping self to self, showing respect to peers and adults, and following directions the first time given.  It takes our combined efforts to ensure that our school climate remains positive and productive for everyone everyday.  Thank you for continued support.

Families, please continue to review and reiterate the BWES Bear Standards with students on a regular basis at home. 

Staff Shout Out

We would like to send a special staff shout out to the BWES Reading Team for planning and implementing a successful Read Across American Day.  Ms. Sommerville, Ms. Chairs, Ms. McCoy, Ms. Zebuhr, and Ms. Rainier worked together to solicit guest readers, organize and schedule readers in various classrooms, and even created a welcome station for guest readers to snack, select books, and mingle with other invited guests.  Thanks so much for your efforts to make today's event a success!!!

Bridges Community Service Project

Students in the Bridges program will be working on a community service project.  This year's project a vegetable garden.  Students will design, plant, and maintain, a self-sustaining vegetable garden. Hopefully, we will be able to share the many vegetables among students this spring.  Ms. Hough is currently soliciting donations for large plant pots for this community service project.

National School Breakfast Challenge Week (March 6 -10, 2017)

Did you know that BWES offers breakfast to students each day?  Next week, is National School Breakfast Challenge Week!!!  Encourage your student to start each day with a healthy breakfast at school.  Breakfast is served each morning from 8:25-8:45.



Educationally yours,
Ms. Hough and Ms. Williams-McKinney