Notes from the Administrators

Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA)   

The Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) will be administered to students in grade 5.  MISA was developed based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and focuses on science and engineering, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.  This assessment is taken online and includes selected-response questions, short and extended constructed responses questions, and performance tasks.  Originally, MISA was scheduled to be administered on Tuesday, March 14th and Wednesday, March 15th.  Due to the inclement weather related closings and delays this week, MISA has been postponed to Wednesday, March 22nd and Thursday, March 23rd.  This is a pilot year for the assessment, therefore, individual student results will not be available.

Grade 5 Musical

On Thursday, March 30, 2017 at 7:05 p.m., the 5th grade will present the musical, "Goal!".  This musical event will spotlight the many talents of our 5th grade students.  All BWES families are encouraged to attend.  As a reminder to our 5th grade students, call- time for students is 6:30 p.m. on March 30th.  Students are to report directly to their homeroom teachers upon arrival.  Performers are also reminded of their performance attire.  Questions regarding the musical should be directed to Ms. Minga, our resident musical director.

Jump Rope for Heart

The Bryant Woods Elementary School PE Department participated in the annual Jump Rope For Heart Event sponsored by the American Heart Association on Wednesday, March 8th outside on the BWES blacktop.  First grade teacher Miss Bork and Miss Margaret from the Kangaroo Kids, a competitive jump roping organization, were there to assist and show some advanced skills.  Prior to the event, the school had an assembly on February 10th to promote the fundraiser that help people in need of assistance through the American Heart Association.  In the month of February in Physical Education classes, students worked on their individual jump roping skills; with and without a rope, group jump roping, and creating jump rope routines (in grades 3-5) to prepare for the Jump Rope for Heart Event.  The school goal was $3200 and the school raised a total of $4473.94!  The student in each class that raised the most money get to be teacher for a day in Physical Education at some point before the end of the school year,  and by surpassing the school goal, Ms. Tyrrell and Mr. Monjes have agreed to receiving a pie in the face.

Spring Break

Despite the freezing temperatures and recent snow fall, Spring is right around the corner.  This year's Spring Break is scheduled for Monday, April 10th through Monday, April 17th.  Students will return to school on Tuesday, April 18th. 

Staff Spotlight:  "Jill Dames"

Jill Dames, our part-time teachers' secretary is leaving BWES after 10 years.  Ms. Dames' commitment to BWES has been noteworthy and we have appreciated her service for all of these years.  On behalf of the students and staff of BWES, we would like to bid Ms. Dames a fond farewell as she embarks upon a new adventure in sunny Florida.  She will certainly be missed!!!

International Night

On Thursday, March 16th from 6:30-8:00, BWES hosted it's annual International Night.  Many BWES families came together to celebrated the many cultures represented by our students.  Participants were able to taste food, make various crafts, and even model cultural fashions in the fashion show.  Many thanks to Ms. Mitchell for organizing this event for our students, families, and staff.

A Few Reminders for Families

Please be mindful of the fluctuating temperatures in the come days and weeks.  As temperatures rise and fall on a daily basis, it is recommended that students come to school dressed in layers to ensure that they are comfortable during the school day.  Also, please be mindful that students should not be dropped off before 8:15 in the morning as supervision of students cannot be guaranteed before 8:20.



Educationally yours,
Ms. Hough and Ms. Williams-McKinney