Notes from the Administrators

Ms. Hough and Ms. Williams-McKinney

Dear BWES Families:


Cold Weather Reminders

The varying temperatures these past few weeks are very confusing.  We have survived the polar vortex that visited the Eastern portion of the country during the first week of January and today's temperatures are almost spring like.  With that said, we'd like to remind our families to dress their students according to the weather.  Coats, hats, gloves, and scarves are staples in frigid weather.  If your student is in need of any of these items, please contact our school counselor, Ms. Armstead.  Additionally, we would like to remind families that in the event that temperatures dip below 32 degrees, students will have recess indoors.  We would also like to remind families that morning arrival drop off for students is at 8:10. Students should not be dropped off earlier as temps are often frigid and students are not supervised until 8:15.


MAP Testing

The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) will be administered to students in grades 1-5 from January 29-February 13, 2018.  Students will be assessed in both Reading and Math.  Teachers will be positing specific testing dates on their individual Canvas pages.


School Closings and Delays

Often times, weather events cause schools to close early, open late, or close altogether.  If you haven't already done so, please sign up for HCPSS alerts to receive emails and/or text messages that notify families of delays and closings as teachers are not always able to make individual phone calls.  Many thanks to all of those families who respond promptly to these notifications.


ACCESS Testing

Students who receive English Language instruction will participate in ACCESS testing during the month of January.  Students will have an opportunity to demonstrate a progression of knowledge and skills related listening, reading, writing, and speaking.  If your student receives ELL services and you have questions about ACCESS testing, please contact Ms. Arroyo.


Winter Concert

On the evening of Monday, January 22nd, string and band students in grades 3-5 will be participating in the Winter Concert.  Ms. Zepp and students have been feverishly preparing for the concert and look forward to demonstrating their talents for family and friends at the Jim Rouse Theater at Wilde Lake High School from 7:00-8:30.



Educationally yours,

Ms. Hough, Principal

Ms. Williams-McKinney, Assistant Principal