Kindness Week 2018 at BWES
Monday Feb 12th Positive Post it Day: leave nice notes for friends and teachers
Tuesday Feb 13th Twin Day: groups of friends can dress alike
Wednesday Feb 14th 100th Day of School and Valentines Day: dress like you are 100 years old or add in some red or pink
Thursday Feb 15th Classroom Community Day: find out what your class will wear to dress like a classroom family
Friday Feb 16th No School for Students
BWES School Spirit Wear!
2nd Chance: Spirit Wear
Starting now you can go online to and place your order. If you need a paper order form they will be sent home next week or click the link below and print. Ending Soon!
Bryant Woods Spirit Wear Order Form
Any questions, feel free to email
Summer Programs
Click here for the preview and the summer catalog
The time is here! Summer Institute online registration starts Thursday, February 1st at 3:00pm and onsite from 4:30pm - 7:00pm at the Homewood Center.
Online Registration
Registration for Summer Institute will first be offered online during the following dates: Thursday, February 1 (3 p.m.) –
Thursday, February 15 (11:59 pm). Registration will be open online from the 1st–15th of each month from February–May.
On-Site Registration
Homewood Center: On-site registration will take place at the Homewood Center from 4:30 –7:00 pm on the following dates:
- February 1st
- March 7th
- April 18th
- May 2nd
Please email or call 410-313-6627 for more information
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